Soon, the holiday POP displays will be everywhere—”Hallowthankmas” is on its way! A recent Path-to-Purchase retailer survey reported a 24% sales increase from holiday POP displays. This year, make sure you have enough extra elastic display loops to hang your Holiday displays—they’ll come in handy all year!
You’ll need elastic display loops for these Holiday POP Trends:
Elasticated loops for holiday POP displays fit retailer’s needs to update their POP displays quickly around the fall and winter months. Elasticized loops with barbs secure POP displays, and they are reusable for:
- Experience-Based POP Displays—Most shoppers would rather purchase online than brave holiday crowds—unless the store has an *experience* planned for them. Whether it’s selfie booths, visits with hipster Santa or an in-store charity cupcake booth, your POP displays work best when they bring customers into the store for an event rather than just to purchase.
- Bold Colors, Simple, Engaging Messaging—You’ll need bulk elasticated display loops to hang POP displays that grab attention, but keep it simple. Bright, engaging colors and simple words that connect with your target customer are winners every holiday season.
- Tell a Story—The images on your POP displays need to tell a story and visually lead the customer straight to the product that continues that story. Show, don’t tell.
- Endcaps are Still Powerful—As you stock up on bulk elasticized display loops with barbs, keep in mind that endcaps are still prime real estate in your retail experience. Pay special attention to any displays you hang there.
Keep in mind that you can’t do one-size-fits-all on any of your Holiday POP displays. Do your market research and aim your signage, imagery and in-store event/experience marketing directly to the needs of your target customers and they’ll be more willing to spend. And make sure to stock up on elastic display loops in all colors and types now, before the Holiday rush! Contact Elastic Connections today at 847-426-6830 to order.